When it comes to your website or blog, appearance matters. What viewers see or don’t affects their impression of your business. This can cost your business.
We must not assume everything is good until we test. Testing shows us the flaws that need to be fixed. So take a look at your website or blog using different web browsers and different devices. Don’t assume all is good until you finish your testing.
The two things that we must keep in mind is that people look at our websites and blogs with different web browsers and different devices. We have to keep this in mind when we create our web presence.
Firstly, there are several web browsers that can be used to view our website or bog. The more ones are Internet Explorer, Mozilla FireFox, Google Chrome, Safari and Opera. They are listed here in no specific order.
What we need to keep in mind is that each web browser can display the website code of our site differently. We have to test our website or blog against most of the web browsers to make sure they look the way we want them to.
For example, I came across one local site that displayed well in Internet Explorer, but looked horrible in Mozilla FireFox. The pictures they wanted to display where not aligned properly. Not very business like at all. The webmaster had not checked the site in FireFox.
Secondly, we need to test our websites or blogs with various devices. We need to use a computer, a smart phone and a tablet to see how things look. Just because our stuff looks good on a laptop, does not mean it will look good on a smart phone or tablet.
Furthermore, different smart phones and tablets show content differently as well. For example, when I looked at my blog with my Playbook, everything looked good. When I played with an iPad2, parts of the blog where not showing.
We must not assume everything is good until we test. Testing shows us the flaws that need to be fixed. So take a look at your website or blog using different web browsers and different devices. Don’t assume all is good until you finish your testing.