Garbage in usually means garbage out. When it comes to your social media content, it can mean much the same. What you put out on social media can greatly affect how people see your brand. It might even affect how well your brand does on social media.

How do you feel about people or businesses who post a lot? How do you feel about people or businesses who post all over the place, and are not focused? How do you feel about businesses that only post at customers? These are important questions that all of us should give some serious thought to.


Make sure you serve up the best 😀

Different social media platforms have different acceptable posting rates. You can post much more on Twitter than you can on Facebook. For example, now that customers and viewers of your posts can hide and tell Facebook why they were not happy with your post, you had better be posting smartly on Facebook. You can no longer afford to haphazardly throw out content anymore. Every post has to be a winning post as much as possible. Post quality has to be great.

Business Facebook Pages need to have a general focus that tell the viewer that they have arrived. There should be an overall theme for the Page. Now that does not mean that you don’t mix it up, but the extra stuff supports the Page in one way or another. Maybe you do a post on an employee so that viewers can get to know your business better, for example. Great content lets people know that they are not wasting their time on the page.

Business Pages are going to have to get away from solely broadcasting. They are going to have to create as much interaction as possible. On Facebook, the conversations do not always to be hard on topic . They could be fun and inviting. Maybe a question gets asked. Maybe a photo gets shared with a request to caption it. Regardless of how you do it, shoving content down people’s throats is so over. Great content is required to create great conversations.

So for today, think about your posting strategy. Are you really focusing at putting out great content? Instead of worrying about reaching your post quota, maybe think about fewer posts that are far superior in their message. Post with purpose and intent.

If you have time, comment on the Facebook Post above. Learn how it works and what it does. Then do it for your own content.

Here’s to a great day in business for you 🙂