Yesterday I introduced you to the Hub and Spoke strategy. Today I want to help you focus on how you might use this strategy to drive traffic with your website and your social media applications. I want to help you can improve your business visibility and your reach.
We understand that our website can be a great place for lots of content, videos, images and such. When it comes to saying a lot about something or for providing in-depth analysis, the website is the place for it. As for driving traffic to your website, Twitter is really good at this. Twitter can help your website get more views period. As long as you use a captivating headline in your tweet, along with the website link, you should be able to drive several visits to your website.
Once people get to your website and consume the content, you need a call to action. This is where you could introduce your Facebook Page into the equation, for example. Maybe you could continue the conversation around the article on your Facebook Page, or you could provide more content that reinforces the point you are trying to make with your website content. You could even put an exclusive video that you uploaded to your Facebook Page to add to what you are trying to do.
Once the conversations are happening on the Facebook Page, you could drive more traffic to the Facebook Page post by using Twitter. You can copy the URL for the Facebook Post and share it on Twitter.
The point I am trying to make is that you should try not to depend on one part, such as your website, to stand alone. You should try to mix things up to make things are interesting for the end-user by combining your website with your social media. When you do this, people can end up coming into your process via different means. This will not be a bad thing.
As you develop this process in greater detail, you might find that it can increase interest in what you are doing with others. Keep in mind that “Useful” and “Interesting” are two guidelines that should be focusing on to create success. People might actually like what they see and share it with others.
So I hope this gets you thinking more about the Hub and Spoke strategy. Let’s talk more about this on my Facebook Page: Here you go