
Summer 2017 Security Concerns for Small Business

This Summer will be a very difficult season for small businesses to stay safe; and in some cases, complete online business activities. Of all the things we have seen so far, I feel the worst is yet to come this July. Here's where I think the immediate security threats will come for small business. [...]

By |2018-07-18T14:01:34-03:00September 27th, 2016|Security|Comments Off on Summer 2017 Security Concerns for Small Business

Social Media Can Save Lives. Here’s Why Sharing Matters #Halifax #missing

Teens can go missing a lot. Many return after a time to their families without incident. Others, not so much. Getting the word out quickly can sometimes mean the difference between life and death. If a teen has been kidnapped, time is of the essence. Getting the information out is critical. Here is an example [...]

By |2017-07-11T09:23:18-03:00January 23rd, 2015|Facebook Marketing, Security, Twitter Marketing|Comments Off on Social Media Can Save Lives. Here’s Why Sharing Matters #Halifax #missing

Your Facebook Profile Could Hurt Your Business #Security #SocialMedia

If your business is using Facebook as a marketing tool, then you are sticking your head way out the "Internet" window. A mistake in your Facebook Profile privacy settings could cause you some personal as well as business pain. Are you vulnerable? A quick survey of the participants in my Halifax social media program revealed several "Public" settings for [...]

By |2017-11-24T11:43:35-04:00December 17th, 2014|Facebook Marketing, Security|1 Comment

Password Protection For Your Social Media Networks #Security

Let's talk password protection for your social media networks.  We all use passwords. They are apart of our protection and everyday lives. We have passwords on almost everything now. We even have passwords for out passwords.  They are used on smartphones, computers, Internet sites, etc. The reality is that passwords are apart of our everyday [...]

By |2015-03-07T14:10:38-04:00December 16th, 2014|Security, Social Media Training|Comments Off on Password Protection For Your Social Media Networks #Security

Are your social media accounts secure? – Halifax social media

Recently a big brand social media account was "apparently" hacked. One rogue tweet went out from the Alexander Keith's Twitter account. Regardless of what happened, there is a lesson here for my Halifax social media participants. Things to consider for keeping your social media accounts safe: Use a strong password for each account. Do [...]

By |2015-12-21T14:31:54-04:00December 3rd, 2014|Security|Comments Off on Are your social media accounts secure? – Halifax social media

How To Be Smart With Your Social Media Passwords #socialmedia #passwords

This may seem to be a given, but you should use a different password for each of your social media accounts. Don’t use the same password. The only question now is this, "How do you keep track of all those passwords?" Here's some thoughts to help you stay safe. Passwords usage is one of the [...]

By |2014-12-11T14:22:26-04:00December 20th, 2013|Security, Social Media Training|Comments Off on How To Be Smart With Your Social Media Passwords #socialmedia #passwords

Your Privacy Settings Can Cause Your Business Grief #security #Facebook

If your Facebook account Profile privacy settings are not set properly, it can cause your business grief. If identity theft happens, your mind will not be at work. You will not be all that you can be. This past Monday morning, we checked several Facebook profile privacy settings in the social media workshop. Many participants [...]

By |2013-09-16T20:54:09-03:00September 17th, 2013|Security|Comments Off on Your Privacy Settings Can Cause Your Business Grief #security #Facebook
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