Disaster can strike anytime. If you have a WordPress blog or a web site, you need to back them up on a regular basis. Case in point: I was upgrading the WishList Member plugin and it blew up. I was not able to get into the site from the login. Long story short, I deleted the WishList Member plugin using FileZilla. I logged in to see if things were OK. They were. I reloaded the plugin. Then I followed the instructions on the upgrade video. Stuff happens. I immediately backed up my site.

My good buddy Rob Cairns had sent me a WordPress plugin for backing up. It is WP-DBManager. I had installed it but had not activated it. Time to get this going. You just don’t know when stuff will happen. Fortunately, this was a minor crisis and I was able to quickly recover. It’s time to play smart.

Make sure this does not happen to you. Back up your files regularly.