It will be important in the days ahead that you tweet for yourself. Many today are using VA’s to do their tweeting and posting. Let me first say that Virtual Assistants (VA’s) are awesome for helping you in your business. I don’t have a problem using VA’s. But when it comes to connecting with others, people want you. Let me explain to you why you should tweet and post yourself.

Google and the other search engines are looking at your Twitter, your Facebook and other social media connect points. Search engines are looking at using what they find to rate or rank you. They will look at who you are connected with and who your influencers are. Yes, who you are connected with will effect your Google rank in the days and months to come. Don’t believe me? Check Terry Crosby’s blog post along with Matt Cutt’s video comments to see what they say is coming.

So if you have someone, who is not you, tweeting and doing your other social media posts “as you”, influencers will know and not connect with you; or even worse, unconnect with you. They expect to have you on the line, so to speak. This is why a virtual assistant will not do for tweeting and posting as you. A virtual assistant is not you. When people like Saul Colt, Rob Scoble,  Chris Brogan, Chris Voss, Mark Shaw, Terry Crosby, Tee Morris, and Scott Stratten connect, they want to be talking to you. They will not stay connected with you if they think they are talking to your virtual assistant. And this my friend is how it is going to go.

Well you say you are too busy to tweet for yourself. I have not met anyone who could not organize themselves a little better and find time to crank out a few tweets and posts. It’s all about priorities. If you want to get a good Google rank, then connecting with others as yourself is going to be important. You are going to have to find the time. With this new trend coming down the pipes, you had better be connecting with others yourself. If you need help, I can throw a few suggestions your way.

Want more social media information: here’s more