Most people do not know about this Facebook setting. I am seeing this is my social media workshops in Halifax all the time. And what it means to your friends and your fans is that they may not be seeing your posts in their Facebook News Feed. No visibility equals wasted effort.
This “Top Stories” setting, if people do not know how to switch to “Most Recent”, forces people to consume Top Stories only. They will not get to see other stories that do not make it to a Top Story status. They are less likely to see posts from their friends that don’t get a lot of interaction from others.
This “Top Stories” setting, if people do not know how to switch to “Most Recent”, forces people to consume Top Stories only. They will not get to see other stories that do not make it to a Top Story status. They are less likely to see posts from their friends that don’t get a lot of interaction from others.
What this means to your Facebook Business Page posts is this… “If you don’t create a top Story, you will not get seen”. You could be wasting your time of Facebook.
To increase your odds of being seen, your fans and your customers need to become aware of this setting. And you say you knew about this setting already? Most workshop participants I sample, are not aware of this setting. The problem is bigger than you think. I suspect around 80% to be exact.
People could be missing your Facebook Page posts and posts from their friends. Now this is not the only factor that determines who sees what in their Facebook News Feeds. The Facebook Edgerank algorithm also looks at recent interactions as well. If we do not interact with people, they will drift away.
Here is where the setting will be found with the new changes:
My friend Jean shared this screen shot with me. The sort setting will now be found in the upper left section just below “Edit Profile”.
Regardless of where the Sort setting is found, people need to learn how to use this setting. And in some cases, your visibility in News feeds counts on it. You should education your fans and customers how to make the change.
So here’s to a great day of business out there for you. All the best for a great day.