The Baby-Boomer group consists of individuals born after the Traditionalists. The years that are considered to be relevant for this group is 1947 to 1964. They did much better financially than the Traditionalists. They are a good group for your marketing efforts.
As a group they are very optimistic and are big on personal growth. These are key factors when you are going to market to this group. This is the generation that started the self help movement. If you have a help help series, you have found the right group to market to.
The Baby-Boomers burned bras, fought for civil rights, were overachievers and were noted for their quiet questioning of authority. They were the first generation to become workaholics. They birthed the term “latch key kids” and had a hard time with the work-life balance.
The above points should provide lots of ideas for how you could market to them. What you have have that could help them with their work-life balance? How can you make the lives of their kids easier? What cause do you have for them to embrace?
This generation sees work as a place where you go. So when you are describing your solution to their work problems, you have to address the location issue. This group is very loyal to their careers. Unfortunately, many have found that the workplace was not loyal to them. They are open to the idea of starting a small business such as multi-level marketing; right Amway?
So if you can show them how you can make their life better, you are well on the way to marketing well to them.
Please let me know what your thoughts are. I would loved to see them in my comments. Thanks.
I am at the tail end of the Baby Boomers. Sometimes I feel like a Generation Xer. How do you see yourself? How do you like being marketed to?