At a wedding, I had a chance to listen to two guys in business. They were talking about how the trucking business was changing for the worst. They were experiencing the reality of change in business.


The reality is that the guy that sold horses years ago had to change to selling cars. He probably was not a fan of change. But change happens and it has to be embraced. Those that do not adapt to a changing environment are doomed to fade out of existence.

As I sat and listened to how much they loved selling and doing business, I wondered what they could embrace next. These two guys were great at what they did. Their future was solely in their hands. They will have to adapt if they want to stay in the game.

For us, we are not immune to change either. We need to continually look ahead to see what is coming and adapt. That is the difference between “Blue Ocean” people and “Red Ocean” people.

So what is changing in your business? What are you seeing that is changing? Are you planning to adapt and incorporate these changes into your business? The very fabric of business is changing. Change needs to be embraced and wrestled to the ground.

I look at social media marketing and know that it to will change. Now is the time to look ahead for that change. This is one thing that I will reinforce in my social media training in Halifax, Dartmouth, Cole Harbour, Stewiacke, Truro and elsewhere throughout Nova Scotia.

Let me encourage you this week to get you head up and look around. Change is happening. Make sure you see the signs and embrace it. All the best for a great week in business. Say “Hi” if you get a chance.