Twitter is the social network that has generated more leads and business than any other. At 140 characters or less, it’s a powerful tool for connecting and generating business. Here’s how it can work for you.

As a social media trainer, I teach businesses how to use social media to create opportunity. I believe it’s important as a trainer to practice what you preach. And do I have a great story for my next social media class. Twitter has been a tool that has opened many doors of business for me.

Let me share a great story of the power of Twitter. The guy on the left is Roy Atkinson. And yes, the lobster is an important part of the picture. Just look at our Twitter stream and you will figure it out.

I first met Roy on Twitter @RoyAtkinson. We connected and hit it off right away. We shared ideas and laughs for over a year, and then I met Roy face to face last Summer in Bar Harbor, Maine.

One of the things I tell my social media workshop participants is that, as much as possible, they should try to have a many face to face meetings with people they really connect with on Twitter. So Roy and I met for supper and chatted the night away. Things went so well that Roy ending up writing the forward to my Twitter book.


On this year’s trip to Bar Harbor, I again met with Roy at our favorite eating spot. As Roy reflected on what he written in my book, he told me that he considered what he had written to be one of the best things he has done to date. This really impressed me, and we talked about refreshing the Twitter book.

Now you have to remember that this all came about because of Twitter. I dared to meet someone from Twitter, and I took the opportunity as far as I could take it. For me, social media is not for business… “until you make it for business”. I took the online to a face to face moment; and it was a huge hit. Roy and I have become great friends because of this.

Now to make it clear, I have not met everyone on Twitter yet. As a business person, I look for people and opportunities. When I see some thing that might be a “Go”, I push it as far as I can. And I am hoping you will do the same.

When you see someone on Twitter that you believe is important for your business success, try to have a face to face meeting. It is in those moments that you can dig up the golden opportunities. And did I ever find gold in Maine.

So take someone out for coffee or what ever you feel comfortable doing. But get off the phone or computer and get face to face. That’s where the real business lies. Go and get some today.

Wishing you a great day in business and in life.