I had a chance to chat with Dabney Porte and a few others on Facebook around the area of expertise and should we say that we are “Experts”. Here is how the conversation unfolded.
There were some really great points brought up from Dabney and others on the subject of expertise. Here are a few thoughts:
- If we have really demonstrated that we are an expert, can we then use the word “Expert” in our social media bio?
- If others say we are an expect, can we use the word “Expert” in our social media bio?
- If we throw the word “Expect” in our social media bio, does that mean we are an “Expert”?
These questions bring up some really great points around the subject of expertise. Dabney shared that she felt all her hard work and acquired skills contributed to her being an expert. I actually agree with Dabney on this one. If a person has the skills that they say they have, and if they have demonstrated them over a significant period of time, I am good with that person using the “Expert” term. What would put the icing on the cake, or seal the deal for me would be the voices of others calling that person an “Expert” as well. The demonstrated hard work and the voices of others would be hard to refute.
I firmly believe that if you have the skills, and you have demonstrated them by helping others, they will see your skills and clearly label you as an expert. People will be talking about your skills and bragging you up to others. It then follows that the word “Expert” can easily be used in a social media bio. I bet others would gladly add it to your bio… if you don’t.
So should we say we are experts on social media? I would say yes. By the time you finally get to add it to your bio, I bet you would have helped many businesses get what they need. Adding the word “Expert” would be great if you ever get the time to do it. Most “Experts” are busy beyond belief. And remember this, people know who the “Expert” is. You will never have to tell them.