Ever got caught sharing a link that you did not check and it was not what you thought it was at all? Sharing links without checking them can be damaging for you and your business.
I hope that you get the point. You should always check the link before you share it, just to make sure that it is what it says it is. You could offend your Twitter community and embarrass yourself when you don’t check. Your brand is counting on you sharing smartly.
So here’s what you should do:
- Check the link by clicking on it.
- Read the contents quickly to make sure it is worth sharing. Make sure it’s what you want to share.
- Retweet the tweet with the link in it and add your comments where possible. This adds extra value.
It’s a good thing to tell your Twitter community why you are sharing the link in the first place. This can give them the “Rest of the Story”.
So have a great day in business. Please share your successes with us when you can. We would love to hear from you. Don’t forget to look for tomorrow’s twitter tip.