I am delivering a social media workplace education program to real estate agents in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. Yesterday was code day. By the end of the day I was exhausted and so were they.

Now I know why coders wear headphones and tune out when coding. One distraction and you can make a mistake with your code. You really have to concentrate. As I showed them the code, that I wanted them to learn for their Facebook Pages, they went ahead and tried to see what they could do.

One gentleman had made two columns with a picture on the left and text on the right. It looked very good. We even looked at how to add video to a FBML app. The highlight of the day was the iFrame apps that I had loaded onto my two Facebook Pages. I explained what was involved and the extra steps required to make them work. I also showed them a Spry Accordion that I had made to display different content.

They got the hang to the coding; but it is still going to take more practice on their part to master it. After all, these people are giants in selling real estate, not coding. But they are learning. They are independent business people who need to learn how to sell homes in the age of Facebook. One real estate agent told the group how she had gotten a lead off of Facebook. She was actually going, in the afternoon, to meet with the client. How Cool!

So what can you learn? If you are new to coding, it is going to take a little time to get used to working with code. But when you get the hang of it, it will open up many doors for you in the future. Having control of the content you upload to the web is awesome. Making changes when you want is important. Time matters.

So this is how my day went. How did you spend yours?