Lists are great because they allow the ready to quickly scan the page to get the facts. There are two types of lists:

  1. Ordered lists and
  2. Unordered lists.

Here is how the code or an Ordered list looks like:


<li>Text goes right here</li>

<li>Text goes right here</li>


The <ol> is the opening HTML tag for an Ordered list. </ol> is the closing tag for the Ordered list. <li> is the opening tag for a List Item. </li> is the closing tag for a List Item. Text goes in between the List Item tags. The bullets will appear numbered in a Facebook environment.

To do an Unordered list, just substitute the

    tag for an

      tag; and the

tag for an closing tag. It is that simple. In Facebook, you will have to create your own bullets for an Unordered List. On a regular web page, the

  • tag in an Unordered list makes a black round bullet. In Facebook, you have to make your own bullet. May I suggest an asterisk “*” or an equal sign with an arrow “=>”.

So that’s how you make an Ordered List and an Unordered List on Facebook. Have fun 🙂 Please let me know if you have any questions.