Cst Scott Mills, from the Toronto Police Service, recently attended the Shorty Awards as a nominee for the “Life-Saving Hero” category.Many were nominated, but few were chosen to attend. Scott was chosen.
In a world where law enforcement is not always looked at favorably, there arises individuals in law enforce, or community policing, who stand out for achieving excellent results. These individuals are a plus to their communities. They are well respected as well. Scott Mills is such an individual. Even though the NYFD won the “Life-Saving Hero” category, Scott was well recognized for all of his hard work.
The NYFD was well deserving of the Shorty Award. Just think, while you are running out of a burning building, the guys and gals of the NYFD are going in to save lives and property. Good job guys and gals of the NYFD. My hat is off to you.
In my opinion, Scott Mills is no less deserving. While others are running away from flying bullets and such, Scott is rushing in to save lives and stop trouble. Yes, Scott is that kind of a guy. Scott is so well respected in the community; even the bad guys like him. His “boots on the ground” philosophy touches hearts and minds.
Scott really cares about the kids in the community. His is called the GariffitiBMXCop for a reason. I toured Toronto with Scott a while ago; in an area that most would never dream of going. I was impressed by how well the people liked him. Scott often finds himself in between gangs and their turf. Despite what could happen, Scott jumps in and makes good things happen. Scott is a good example these days of what a police officer should look like.
Scott has helped many using social media. There are people today that are still alive because of Scott. He does a lot of work with Crime Stoppers, trying to make our communities safer. And his efforts are working world-wide now.
So here is a thank you video I made for Scott to acknowledge all he has done for the people of his community and beyond. Many look Scott over and pass him by. Scott is the closest thing to a life-saving hero you will ever see. If you can, make sure you thank him to. Scott is one of the good guys. We need more like him.