Social Media Training

Social Media Training

Social media is defined as “websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking.” Social media training is then defined as the training of business to deliver social media content to potential customers.

From Social Media


Why It’s Bad To Take A Wait & See Approach To Your Business #SocialMedia #Marketing?

Are you taking a wait and see approach to your social media marketing or are you being proactive as a business? A wait and see approach is the slow way to build your social media community in Halifax, Dartmouth or elsewhere. It's like sitting and waiting for the phone to ring. We can often see big equipment [...]

By |2014-12-11T14:15:39-04:00December 24th, 2013|Digital Marketing, Social Media Training|1 Comment

How To Be Smart With Your Social Media Passwords #socialmedia #passwords

This may seem to be a given, but you should use a different password for each of your social media accounts. Don’t use the same password. The only question now is this, "How do you keep track of all those passwords?" Here's some thoughts to help you stay safe. Passwords usage is one of the [...]

By |2014-12-11T14:22:26-04:00December 20th, 2013|Security, Social Media Training|Comments Off on How To Be Smart With Your Social Media Passwords #socialmedia #passwords

3 Reasons To Use Social Media For Your #Non-profit Campaigns #socialmedia

Social media can create a lot of visibility for your non-profit and your marketing campaigns in Halifax, Dartmouth, Pictou and elsewhere. Your message can spread faster via the masses than previous traditional media marketing efforts. Make sure you give social media a look. Word of mouth has always been a great tool for non-profit marketing. Now "World [...]

By |2014-12-11T14:28:40-04:00December 18th, 2013|Social Media Training|Comments Off on 3 Reasons To Use Social Media For Your #Non-profit Campaigns #socialmedia

How To Post Content That Creates 2 Way Conversations #socialmedia

Social media should be a two-way street. Social media should not be all one-sided. It should not only be about your business broadcasting all your offers or blasting your marketing efforts out to the masses. Here's how to get those conversations started in Halifax, Dartmouth and elsewhere. When you broadcast content, you are trying to shove your message down [...]

By |2014-12-11T14:36:41-04:00December 16th, 2013|Social Media Training|Comments Off on How To Post Content That Creates 2 Way Conversations #socialmedia

3 Keys To Successfully Using Social Media For Your Business #socialmedia

When you use social media for your business, you have to have a plan. If you do not, you will waste time and energy. Here are three things that you need to consider to get seeing results from your social media marketing. The 3 keys you need to think about when you use social media [...]

By |2014-12-11T14:54:48-04:00December 11th, 2013|Digital Marketing, Social Media Training|Comments Off on 3 Keys To Successfully Using Social Media For Your Business #socialmedia

3 Questions You Need To Ask Yourself About #SocialMedia

Social media is becoming more of an every day staple for business when it comes to marketing. What once was a joke, no one is laughing anymore. When we are using social media to market our business, have we made every effort to start off on a good foot? Before you start using social media for [...]

By |2014-12-11T15:05:20-04:00December 10th, 2013|Business, Social Media Training|Comments Off on 3 Questions You Need To Ask Yourself About #SocialMedia

The Why of Social Media For Business and Why It Matters #business

Why do businesses need to look at social media for their marketing? Businesses are finding that their traditional marketing efforts are not bringing in a good Return On Investment anymore. What once used to be a joke, is not becoming a stand part of any serious marketing business plan. Now don't get me wrong. Social [...]

By |2017-03-15T17:48:59-03:00December 9th, 2013|Social Media Training|Comments Off on The Why of Social Media For Business and Why It Matters #business

Halifax Social Media Tip: Be The One Who Inspires Others #socialmedia

I will tell my social media class in Halifax tonight to be the ones who inspire others. This will cause more impact, than many other things on social media, for them. Don't believe me? Check out this tweet. People come to social media for enjoyment and inspiration. If you will be the one who [...]

By |2013-11-26T16:39:28-04:00November 26th, 2013|Social Media Training|Comments Off on Halifax Social Media Tip: Be The One Who Inspires Others #socialmedia
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