Social Media Training

Social Media Training

Social media is defined as “websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking.” Social media training is then defined as the training of business to deliver social media content to potential customers.

From Social Media


What I Like About The Social Media Business

Have you ever had a job that you could not stand going to? I have had them. But with my social media business, I really enjoy it and all the great people I get to meet every day. One job I had, I would ask my wife..."Is it 5 o'clock yet"; before I ever set [...]

By |2017-03-16T15:06:20-03:00July 20th, 2011|Social Media Training|Comments Off on What I Like About The Social Media Business

Competition Is Good For The Marketplace Google+ & Facebook

Competition is good for the marketplace. It's great for the customer and it makes better businesses more creative and innovative. Google+ and Facebook will discover this. There's a lot of talk about Google+ replacing Facebook and Twitter and other nonsense on the Internet these days. It's like Google+ is the new Walmart; and it's going to bury [...]

By |2017-03-16T15:04:40-03:00July 14th, 2011|Social Media Training|2 Comments

What You Might Be Missing In Your Search Results

When you search Twitter and many other applications, you may not be seeing everything you are searching for. You could miss something important. After I started using the Radian6 platform, I began to notice that there were many tweets missing in my Twitter applications. This happens because we are do not have access to the full Twitter fire [...]

By |2017-03-16T15:02:51-03:00July 12th, 2011|Social Media Training|3 Comments

Setting Up Facebook Video Calling

Here is a short video showing you how to set up Facebook Video Calling. This video shows you how step . Remeber to type in to access web page to start the process. Things to keep in mind: You will need to save and run a file to continue the process. If you have [...]

By |2011-07-07T21:57:10-03:00July 7th, 2011|Social Media Training|Comments Off on Setting Up Facebook Video Calling

Using The Radian6 Platform

When it comes to seeing everything on Twitter and other social media applications, we are not seeing everything. A platform like Radian6 helps us see what we are missing. Have you ever wondered if you are seeing everything that is being said about your business? Have you wondered if you are seeing all the conversations on a [...]

By |2017-03-16T14:52:36-03:00June 28th, 2011|Social Media Training|2 Comments
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