When you split your social media into fragments, we end up with bits & pieces. Only when they are put together do we get a true picture of who you really area. For me, social media, business and my faith all go hand in hand.

I have seen blog posts and comments for both sides of the fence on whether you keep your personal separated from the business on social media. As a big business, this has to be the case. How could one person talk for the many individuals in that business who see live through different classes? As a small business, you have to consider what you want to do as well.

As I have been speaking with my business coach and considering all I have read over the many years, I have been giving this matter a lot of thought. Do I separate the personal from the business and split what you see of me?

We are all struggling to find our unique place in the business world. What is it that makes us different from those who do the same thing as we do? What is different about us that others should hire us ahead of other businesses?

Lately I find myself struggling with automating my Twitter. We all want to see larger numbers. But I ask myself at what cost? I have built a great community of peeps who are responsive and engaging. Do I leave my model of connecting one at a time and building quality? Do I abandon that simply to get my numbers up?

This is where my faith has come in. As I start to fear, God comes in and reassures me that people really do matter; one at a time. This maybe be very different than how you do it, but that’s OK. You have your way. My peeps matter too much to me to be more concerned by the numbers.

I have enjoyed meeting and connecting with various types of people all along my Twitter journey. For some of you, I have cried when you cried ad laughed when you laughed. And when some of you were going through hard times, I used my faith to pray for you as best as I could. When @Robcairns wrote in my Skype that his girl friend was burned and said…”I am dead and dead”, I asked God to help Keli out. At that time, I did not know how bad Keli was burnt. From what Rob wrote, I assumed the worst. When I eventually got to speak with Rob, I found out it was not as bad as I thought. Both Rob and Keli have become dear and precious friends. As I get to know so many of you really well, my heart goes with you as well, even in the bad times.

My faith allows me to see my competitors as friends, that I need to help along the way. Who knows, maybe we might even form a strategic alliance to rule the world. (If you have watched my tweets over time, you will have noticed this “Pinky and the Brain” desire emerging from time to time.) All I know is that I have to be kind to everyone, whether I agree with them or not. I think that if we would help more people, this world would be a better place to live.

So why does my faith make my social media business different that other social media businesses? Well I guess I get to have God pop the wildest and best ideas in my head, that could really give your business the edge it needs to be different from all other others businesses like yours. And I have had some good ones come to me. One thought is still waiting for a trademark approval.

In the end, I am not going to split who I am on social media. I do not plan to be annoying either. I plan to chart the same course, but be more responsive to your needs. I want to be the best me I can be to help you be your best. My faith will make my social media business different from all the rest.

And now you know why you should be the real you, and be the best you, that you can be. This will make you different from all the businesses around you too.

And so I end as I started…”When you split your social media into fragments, we end up with bits & pieces. Only when they are put together do we get a true picture of who you really area. For me, social media, business and my faith all go hand in hand.”