Jeff Brown

About Jeff Brown

Jeff Brown is the Founder & CEO of Alpha Social Media Inc. Jeff is a certified Workplace Education instructor with the Department of Labour & Advanced Education with over 9960 plus hours of training delivered in Nova Scotia. He is the author of "Essential Twitter Skills for Business".

How To Create Better Follow Friday Recommends On #Twitter #FF

Every Friday on Twitter, you get to recommend people for your followers to follow on Twitter. You will see the Twitter hashtag #FF in tweets. #FF stands for Follow Friday. This is a great way to highlight someone and give them a boost on Twitter. This is a great opportunity because you can help the [...]

By |2018-11-27T16:35:15-04:00January 23rd, 2014|Twitter Marketing|Comments Off on How To Create Better Follow Friday Recommends On #Twitter #FF

It’s Not A Twitter Virus John Doe! It’s A Check Box That’s Not Unchecked #JustUnfollow #Twitter

Every now and then you see a message from a Twitter account that says... "Follower -1, Unfollowers - 0. I didn't know I was this awesome. Get your daily stats via justunfollow". Justunfollow [now Crowdfire] is a necessary social media tool, but many are very ignorant about how to set it up right and how it [...]

By |2015-04-03T15:01:57-03:00January 22nd, 2014|Twitter Marketing|Comments Off on It’s Not A Twitter Virus John Doe! It’s A Check Box That’s Not Unchecked #JustUnfollow #Twitter

How To Use Your Time Wisely To Create Visibility #Marketing

You know that you need to market your business to your customers. Whether you do business in Halifax, Dartmouth, Truro, Toronto or elsewhere, you need to get your message out in front of your customers. Your big concern is the amount of time it will take. Will there be a Return on Your Investment? First of all, let [...]

By |2018-11-27T16:32:01-04:00January 20th, 2014|Digital Marketing, Social Media Training|2 Comments

Why You Need To Take Time To Thank Those Who Retweet You #TwitterTip

When someone does something nice for you, you thank them. When it's on Twitter, you still should thank them when possible. When someone puts the extra effort to share one of your tweets with their followers, as a retweet, you should thank them. Well how do you keep track of this in the first place [...]

By |2018-11-27T16:30:29-04:00January 17th, 2014|Twitter Marketing|Comments Off on Why You Need To Take Time To Thank Those Who Retweet You #TwitterTip

Don’t Spam #Twitter Hashtags. Here’s Why! #Marketing

McDonald’s did it in New Zealand. A franchise knowingly spammed the #EQNZ hashtag. This #EQNZ hashtag was reserved for emergency use; at least that’s what most of the people in that area thought. So don’t get any ideas about spamming a coming hurricane or a winter storm hashtag with your business opportunities or marketing. Here’s the tweet that a McDonald’s franchise sent [...]

By |2018-02-08T15:45:13-04:00January 16th, 2014|Twitter Marketing|5 Comments

How Photos & Videos Can Create Better Interactions? #Marketing #socialmedia

Your business social media efforts need to provide a Return On Investment. If you are putting your time and effort into creating social media posts, or you are paying someone to do it, you need to see results. But are there specific post types that work better for your business in Halifax, Dartmouth, Truro or elsewhere? [...]

By |2018-11-27T16:27:43-04:00January 14th, 2014|Social Media Training|1 Comment
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