Unless you understand what Google’s main purpose is, you will not do well in search on a long term basis. Google is all about delivering great search results the first time for their searchers. If you are not going to help Google deliver great results for their searchers, you are not going to show up well.
With the majority of people looking to “Search” to find something, and the fact that 93% of searchers don’t go second page Google, working “With” Google is key to showing up well. Google is constantly changing their search algorithms to prevent people from gaming the system. But the one thing that remains constant through all these changes that Google is doing is… “Content”.
Delivering good fresh content on your website or blog post that people actually find interesting and useful is important for Google. After all, Bing is nipping at Google’s heels. Google wants to retain the lion share of search by delivering great content, the first time, to searchers. If you get this, you will have a chance to do well on Google.
As a business, I have learned that I need to pick my battles; especially when it comes to search. I understand what my customers are looking for. With this in mind, I work hard to deliver interesting and useful content for Google to deliver.
In my social media workshops, I tell people it’s easy to do well in search if… “You’re willing to create great content on a regular basis, be smart about what you do, and work harder than your competitors.” Sure it’s easy in principle, but it’s a lot of work. What I’ve learned over the last several years enables me to quickly get the job done and show up well. What’s easy for me, probably won’t be easy for you unless you have invested in learning.
Sometimes people misunderstand what I mean by easy. What is easy for me today, was not easy for me at the very start. I scratch my head when people set up a website and think that this is all they need to do. They are expecting the cash to roll in hand over fist, just because they have a website. They don’t understand that Google is looking for fresh content on a regular basis. They don’t understand the main goal of Google… to deliver great search results to searchers first time out.
A website that hasn’t been updated recently may not contain the up-to-date information that the searcher is looking for. It’s important that you keep your website up to date with great content that’s relevant for today.
Sure there’s little tactics that you can do that can help you do a little better in search. But the real answer to showing up well in search over the long term is creating great content for your readers. You need to be Google’s best answer to a customer search. This concept needs to be foremost in your mind as you write content for your website or blog. Don’t just only think about your keywords. Think about the content that you are putting out on the Internet. Is it really useful or interesting? Does your content matter to anyone?
If you do well with Google, you have to scratch their back by providing great content for them to place in front of some one’s eyeballs. If you’re not willing to do that, on a regular basis, why should Google consider putting your content ahead of someone else’s content? If you’re not committed to delivering great content, chances are that Google is going to pass you by in favor of someone else’s content.
So as you go about this day, and think about what I’ve written, remember that Google only has one job. Google’s job is to deliver the right search results to the customer first time. Everything else that Google does, and makes money from, hinges on this one key job. If they don’t deliver, none of what Google does will matter. Google takes a job very seriously and is working hard to deliver results that are worthy to be first page.
The only question I leave you with today’s this… “Are you with Google or are you trying to manipulate Google?” Any questions? Please ask below. Please share this article if you feel it will help others.
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