When you search Twitter and many other applications, you may not be seeing everything you are searching for. You could miss something important.

After I started using the Radian6 platform, I began to notice that there were many tweets missing in my Twitter applications. This happens because we are do not have access to the full Twitter fire hose. This can cause us to miss key tweets from others.

I have been seeing all my “@” replies on Twitter. But I began to notice that I was missing out on many “@” mentions in my Twitter mobile app from RIM. Thankfully, Twitter was emailing me these missing tweets that I was not seeing. I could quite easily see and find these “@” mentions on the Radian6 platform.

As I was using Radian6, I was keeping an eye on Google Alerts to see how Google was doing. I was very disappointed with the results I received from Google Alerts. One of my Alerts was for “Jeff Brown”. When I compared the results from Radian6 to Google Alerts, I was greatly surprised. I am not putting my full trust in Google Alerts anymore.

From my experience with Radian6, I have discovered a whole world of missing info that I would otherwise not see. So if you have to see everything to monitor your social media, then you need to consider a platform like Radian6 to get the job done. Pure and simple.

Remember this: When you search Twitter and many other applications, you may not be seeing everything you are searching for. You could miss important posts and comments about you and your business.