In Chris Brogan’s “THE BIGGEST SECRET OF SOCIAL MEDIA“, Chris talks about the human experience of social media and what happens when you robotize social media. I like to think that I think like Chris on this one.
As I speak with more social media consultants and those in the social media business, I see a common trend emerging. The people that are making a real difference in social media are focusing on the human connection. They may be using some automation to provide better customer service, but they are genuinely connecting. They are not looking to find easier ways to do social media with less human connection.
I have seen businesses that want the social media presence as easy as possible, with as little effort as possible. I believe that they won’t be successful over the long haul. They will be missing one of the greatest opportunities that business may have ever seen.
People are looking to connect and engage with businesses. This is probably one of the best opportunities happening right now. Businesses can develop genuine relationships with their customers that can be very lasting and productive. Why would a business want to automate their responses to customers?
There are some things that a business can automate such as sending a few tweets out on a timeline, as long as there are a few real time tweets, and “Real-Time” responses. It’s not wrong to monitor what’s going on the Internet as well. I am looking right now at you with Radian6.
So if you want to totally automate your business, go ahead. I will benefit from your real lack of effective presence. I will connect with your customers in a real way and make a difference to them.
My good buddy @Robcairns is on the same Page as well. He genuinely connects with people and works hard on his social media presence . He teaches his clients to do the same.
Let me close with Chris’ last remarks on the matter…”Remember why you were drawn to social media. And look for ways to expand that secret power of yours into something that shows value to the others, so that they see your perspective on this.”
HI Jeff,
Thank you for mentioning me in your post. Connecting and engaging with people is the key in more ways then one:) It takes time and had work. This is today’s reality. People want and need connections not just white noise talking at them.
@Robcairns Somethings it is harder to do it this way. Focusing on people all along the way makes better connections that can last a life time. Thanks Rob.
Hey Jeff,
I really like the way you’ve framed up Chris’s viewpoint in your post. We as a team and company really strongly believe that the true benefit of social is that human connection that it gives brands and organizations. It allows you to connect with your customers in a way no other medium supports, giving you a feed to their honest thoughts and viewpoints AND the opportunity to respond to them.
Thanks for posting this and adding our name so we could share in your thoughts. Engaging with you is always fun for our team! 🙂
All the best,
Genevieve Coates
Community Manager – Radian6
@genevievecoates Thanks Genevieve for the kind remarks. The human connection is key to social media. Radian6 provides a great way to enhance human connections through conversations that we might other wise miss.
I connected with someone on Twitter who turned out to be a great connection. Radian6 helped me find and engage this person. Thanks, Jeff