I was just asked this question…”Why do people follow who are in a different province & Industry?” If we live in Halifax, Dartmouth or Truro, why do peeps from others areas follow us on Twitter?
Twitter is a social media application that allows people to instantly follow you by clicking on a button. Once a person clicks on the follow button, they can see your tweets in their main Twitter feed. Twitter allows wide open access. People can see as much of your public tweets as they want.
So why do people outside our area or industry follow us? Here are a few thoughts to get you pondering on what’s going on around you:
- They want to extend their reach by connecting outside their local area. They might be prospecting for business.
- You are sharing great information that interests them well beyond their industry. They want to learn more from you.
- You are a great engager and they want to converse with you. They want to be involved in conversations with interesting people.
- They may want to keep an eye on you to see what they can learn. They want to know what you are saying and doing.
- They may want to check you out for collaboration or business down the road. Maybe they figure that there might be a chance to work together at some point.
- They are curious about you and what you do. They just want to explore.
- They may want to see if they can create opportunity to be friends. They maybe looking for a friend online.
These are only a few thoughts on why people might want to connect or follow you on Twitter. What ever the reason, you should follow back if they interest you; and you want to do so. Look at these follows as an opportunity to grow your network.
So what is our walk-a-way for today? When someone follows you, they probably have different reasons for doing so. You don’t have to figure it out right there and then. It will be revealed in time. It always is. So relax, and enjoy connecting with great people.
Some people that follow you, you will not follow back. That’s OK. You are growing your Twitter network with people that you like and come to trust. Don’t think too hard about this. Make sure you have some fun.