Enough HTML code for this week. Let’s talk a little bit about strategy. I had a great social media training time with businesses at the Halifax Chamber of Commerce Thursday morning. And now it’s time for us to share a little about what we talked about.

It’s all fine and dandy when you get your social media set up. But you know you are going to want to know what to do next. This is where strategy comes in. You need to have a game plan. And your game plan will depend on what type of business you are in.

We shared ideas for a business that sold magazines. Twitter was actually bringing people into the store. Customers were asking about magazines and the owner was replying back. How’s that for a simple strategy.

We also talked about a Cable company who was blowing off someone in my training class. From this we decided that if a company was going to promise something, they had better deliver. As a business, it is better to under promise and over deliver. The opposite is a bummer.

We also talked about social media networking. I will talk more about this to my Silver Level members in comments below. So have a good Friday and think about strategy for your business. Make sure you:

  1. Reply to people when they reach out to you on social media
  2. And under promise and over deliver.

If you are curious about becoming a Silver Level member, just ask 🙂

Silver Level Strategy Tip Just For You

At the Halifax Chamber social media training, we talked a lot about using social media to connect with people before a networking event or conference. At a conference, the organizers usually create a hastag for the event. You can follow the hastag and connect with people who are talking about the event. A hashtag is a search able word or a group of letters that lets people see what is being said about an event or subject.

Scan the tweets and find people you can connect with. Get to know them a little before the event. And when it’s time for the event and you are on the ground there, you can find these people on social media and meet them there. No cold calls, just friends you meet a little bit earlier on social media.

And you will have lots to talk about when you meet. Don’t be like the old style networking person who get their business cards together  and rushes into the room to see who they can meet. Connect with people ahead of time on social media. It will make the event much better; right from the start.