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How You Can Use The Hub And Spoke Strategy To Drive Traffic To Increase Visibility And Leads #SEO

Having a website is not enough. Having social media only is not enough. To make a great impact for your business online, you need to be using both to drive traffic, increase your business visibility and generate leads. Here's a few thoughts to help you do this. Hub and Spoke Strategy In my [...]

By |2014-04-09T12:46:34-03:00August 14th, 2013|Digital Marketing|Comments Off on How You Can Use The Hub And Spoke Strategy To Drive Traffic To Increase Visibility And Leads #SEO

Are You Expecting Praise Or Are You Preparing For Failure? #CustomerService

Do you have a place where customers can sing your praises on your website? Or do you have everything set up on your website for customer complaints? Both need to be planned for. But one needs to be expected more. What are you expecting more of? Are you offering customer service that makes your customers go [...]

By |2018-11-27T15:55:41-04:00August 12th, 2013|Business|Comments Off on Are You Expecting Praise Or Are You Preparing For Failure? #CustomerService

How To Respond Better On Social Media & Really Hear What Others Are Saying #business

LEA is short for Listen, Empathize and Act. You will respond better to others when you use LEA.. When I was employed as a Service Advisor at a Chrysler Store many years ago, Chrysler taught this principle for delivering superior customer service. This is a good principle to discuss in the realm of social media [...]

By |2014-04-09T12:32:45-03:00August 8th, 2013|Business|Comments Off on How To Respond Better On Social Media & Really Hear What Others Are Saying #business

A Quick LinkedIn Tip For Your Business That Can Get You Noticed #LinkedIn

Would you like to know what can easily get you noticed on LinkedIn that does not take a lot of time? Here is a simple tip to help you show up to all your contacts. Have you ever changed your LinkedIn profile? Have you ever noticed in your LinkedIn news feed when people change their [...]

By |2014-04-09T11:15:39-03:00August 7th, 2013|LinkedIn Marketing|Comments Off on A Quick LinkedIn Tip For Your Business That Can Get You Noticed #LinkedIn

Crime Stopper’s Facebook “Leave A Tip” Tab Creates Success And Safety #Community #Business

It’s been a few years now since Crime Stoppers has had the Facebook “Leave a Tip” tab as an option to report crime and create success and safety in communities. The "Leave a Tip" tab has increased the amount of high quality crime tips to Crime Stoppers programs in many global locations. It is truly [...]

By |2013-08-06T09:36:36-03:00August 6th, 2013|Security|Comments Off on Crime Stopper’s Facebook “Leave A Tip” Tab Creates Success And Safety #Community #Business

Are You Getting Your Content Noticed? 6 Tips To Help You Do Better #ContentMarketing

Face it, the Internet is full of pictures, video, blog posts and information. My question to you is this.... "Are you getting your content noticed?"  As a busy, you are way to busy to be wasting your time on posting with the masses. You had better make every post the best you can. It's visibility [...]

By |2013-08-05T09:43:27-03:00August 5th, 2013|Digital Marketing|Comments Off on Are You Getting Your Content Noticed? 6 Tips To Help You Do Better #ContentMarketing

When & Why To Use Twitter Lists To Make Your Life Easier #Twitter

Twitter lists allow you to quiet all the noise happening on Twitter. When and why you should use them is important to know if you want to get more out of Twitter for your business. Twitter lists allow you to focus on just a few people and their tweets. A Twitter List acts just [...]

By |2018-11-27T15:52:28-04:00August 2nd, 2013|Twitter Marketing|Comments Off on When & Why To Use Twitter Lists To Make Your Life Easier #Twitter

Write SEO Friendly Content And Forget About Trying To Keep Up With Google Changes #SEO

Are you trying to keep up with Google's changes for SEO purposes? Maybe you might be better served to create SEO friendly material than try to focus on making Google happy. With all these unnatural rule changes and such, it does not make sense anymore to solely focus on writing to influence Google. You are [...]

By |2013-07-31T20:20:07-03:00August 1st, 2013|SEO - Search Engine Optimization|1 Comment

Are You Building Numbers Or Are You Building Community Around Your Small Business? #smallbusiness

What are you building with your social media marketing? Are you building numbers only, or are you building a community around your small business? Your answer, I believe, will determine how successful your business will be in Halifax, Dartmouth, Truro and elsewhere. I recorded the video below in early 2011 entitled "Social media numbers, what [...]

By |2018-11-27T15:50:32-04:00July 31st, 2013|Business|Comments Off on Are You Building Numbers Or Are You Building Community Around Your Small Business? #smallbusiness
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