Social Media Training

Social Media Training

Social media is defined as “websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking.” Social media training is then defined as the training of business to deliver social media content to potential customers.

From Social Media


How Photos & Videos Can Create Better Interactions? #Marketing #socialmedia

Your business social media efforts need to provide a Return On Investment. If you are putting your time and effort into creating social media posts, or you are paying someone to do it, you need to see results. But are there specific post types that work better for your business in Halifax, Dartmouth, Truro or elsewhere? [...]

By |2018-11-27T16:27:43-04:00January 14th, 2014|Social Media Training|1 Comment

Why You Should You Use Social Media For Your Business #Halifax

You should ask yourself this question before you embark on using social media for your business in Halifax, Dartmouth, Truro, Toronto or elsewhere. Just because social media is being used by a lot of businesses for marketing, it does not mean that you have to jump in blind. You need to determine if your business will benefit from using social media. When you do some [...]

By |2018-11-27T16:24:52-04:00January 10th, 2014|Social Media Training|2 Comments

3 Parts Of A Social Media Recommend? #Halifax #socialmedia

Everyone wants their business to be recommended on social media regardless if it is in Halifax, Dartmouth, Truro, Toronto or elsewhere.  Word of mouth recommendations are the heart beat for businesses everywhere. Social media recommendations are becoming just as important to business. I as stated in my last past [Video 17], you probably will have [...]

By |2018-11-27T16:23:33-04:00January 9th, 2014|Social Media Training|3 Comments

How To Get A Recommend For You & Your Business? #socialmedia

If you want a social media recommend, you will have to give a recommendation for someone on social media. Don’t wait for others to recommend you. Recommend others and they could recommend you. In an age where "What others say about you matters more than what you say about yourself", recommendations can go a long way to bringing you [...]

By |2018-11-27T16:21:59-04:00January 8th, 2014|Business, Social Media Training|2 Comments

What Do You Do With Those Great Thoughts? #socialmedia #Halifax

Great thoughts can just pop right into your head. These thoughts can really help you and others be encouraged, empowered and entertained.  Do you have a plan for capturing them and using them for your business in Halifax, Dartmouth or elsewhere? Your social media efforts could benefit from sharing these thoughts.  You need some way to [...]

By |2018-11-27T16:19:46-04:00January 7th, 2014|Social Media Training|2 Comments

Why You Need To Get The Skills To Use Social Media Effectively For #Business #Halifax

One of the most frustrating things I see around social media usage is that lack of ability by many to use the devices necessary to do social media well. Many struggle to use their computer, tablet or smart phone. People are not born with computer and social media skills. But they need learn how to use these [...]

By |2017-08-08T17:42:30-03:00December 31st, 2013|Social Media Training|1 Comment

Why You Should Use Video For Your Business #SocialMedia #Marketing Success

YouTube is one of the top search engines in the world. People consume and share lots of videos on a daily basis. As a business, you should consider creating and sharing videos on YouTube to increase your business visibility and generate business leads. Video can help people get to know you and your business better. People get [...]

By |2018-11-27T16:13:39-04:00December 25th, 2013|Digital Marketing, Social Media Training|Comments Off on Why You Should Use Video For Your Business #SocialMedia #Marketing Success
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