Jeff Brown

About Jeff Brown

Jeff Brown is the Founder & CEO of Alpha Social Media Inc. Jeff is a certified Workplace Education instructor with the Department of Labour & Advanced Education with over 9960 plus hours of training delivered in Nova Scotia. He is the author of "Essential Twitter Skills for Business".

LinkedIn, Then DropBox Hacked. What’s Next? You had Better Have A Plan

Just a short blog post on keeping yourself safe through the storms of the last few application hacks. We need to take our security seriously or pay the consequences. Throughout all my social media training programs, I made it a point to tell everyone that they needed a separate password for all their online accounts. [...]

By |2017-03-16T17:10:49-03:00August 1st, 2012|Internet Security|Comments Off on LinkedIn, Then DropBox Hacked. What’s Next? You had Better Have A Plan

Work With It NBC. It’s Called Social Media. Go With The Flow For Success.

What is now being called the "Twitter Olympics", is not going ahead without a few hiccups. NBC & other corporations are struggling to push their way around despite the concerns raised by social media; specifically Twitter. Headline like this are being generated from the London Olympics: Journalist Suspended From Twitter for Tweeting NBC Email Fans asked to tweet from Olympics [...]

By |2018-11-27T19:08:22-04:00July 30th, 2012|Social Media Training|Comments Off on Work With It NBC. It’s Called Social Media. Go With The Flow For Success.

Can You Dominate Google Search? Check These Results For Social Media Training Dartmouth & Halifax

I am always trying to push social media to see what can be done. I want to show people that barriers can be broken in social media and on Google. Latest results for social media training Dartmouth & Halifax. I had previously written several posts on how social media efforts Google Search results: Google Search [...]

By |2018-11-27T19:04:08-04:00July 30th, 2012|SEO - Search Engine Optimization|Comments Off on Can You Dominate Google Search? Check These Results For Social Media Training Dartmouth & Halifax

Social Media And The London Olympics. The New Reality Of Fan Engagement.

There is a lot of buzz around social media and the London Olympics this year. Athletes are embracing social media and pushing out real time information to their fans. Will you be engaging as well? Just imagine as the soccer game plays out, people are tweeting and Facebooking each other in real time. For those who cannot be in [...]

By |2012-07-27T10:36:54-03:00July 27th, 2012|Social Media Training|1 Comment

Social Media Success Requires A Commitment

I have trained a lot of businesses in social media over the last 4 years. One of the true traits of success I have noticed is commitment. Without commitment, one will fail. I understand that not everyone will see the value of social media training for their business right away. For some, it takes a while before [...]

By |2017-03-16T17:13:07-03:00July 24th, 2012|Social Media Training|Comments Off on Social Media Success Requires A Commitment

Buying Twitter followers; Should You Do It?

You want more Twitter followers. But should you take the easy way out and buy them? Read on for the true cost of Twitter followers. My good friend Rob Cairns @RobCairns was sent the above @mention message on Twitter. And since Rob has a good sense of humor, he replied thus: Rob [...]

By |2018-11-27T18:45:57-04:00July 17th, 2012|Social Media Training|3 Comments

Remember That Age May Play A Factor In Your Marketing

I added a funny graphic to my Facebook Profile and asked my teenage daughter to check it out. She did not find it funny. Our marketing efforts need to be understood to be effective as well. Here is the graphic that I put on my Facebook Wall: Lionel Richie Tea Graphic What I [...]

By |2017-03-16T17:13:57-03:00July 16th, 2012|Digital Marketing|Comments Off on Remember That Age May Play A Factor In Your Marketing

Watch What Thoughts You Let In Your Head And Dwell On. They Can Hurt Your Business.

Thoughts come and go into your head every day. It's the ones that you dwell and let give birth that can help or hurt your business. Don't let those thoughts kill your dreams. Watch what you dwell on! I had a dream last night about my business. The thought came in and said [...]

By |2017-03-16T17:14:46-03:00July 8th, 2012|Social Media Training|Comments Off on Watch What Thoughts You Let In Your Head And Dwell On. They Can Hurt Your Business.
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