customer service

Social Media For Customer Service

I put this tip on Twitter via Tweetdeck: "#twittertip Never underestimate the value of good service; especially when using Twitter for customer service." Twitter can be a way to create less phone calls into the office and answer customers questions in real time. So how could this happen? You could display your Twitter username on [...]

By |2017-03-15T17:36:38-03:00January 25th, 2011|Social Media Training|Comments Off on Social Media For Customer Service

Blow Off Your Customers?

So as a business, you think you are big enough that you can blow off your customers and tell them where to go? Well you are definitely wrong. Gone are the days when businesses can tell their customers what to buy, when to buy it, how much they pay for it; and if they don't like it, [...]

By |2017-03-15T17:25:20-03:00December 20th, 2010|Business|Comments Off on Blow Off Your Customers?
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