Social Media Training

Social Media Training

Social media is defined as “websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking.” Social media training is then defined as the training of business to deliver social media content to potential customers.

From Social Media


Whose Radar Are You On?

Most of the time you will never know who has been watching you and your Internet activity until you get a call out of the blue or some other type of connect. I posted a blog on the Twitter virus and made a few good comments on it. I was surprised that so many felt [...]

By |2017-03-16T16:13:58-03:00February 14th, 2012|Social Media Training|3 Comments

Finding Your Social Media Swing

Babe Ruth knew how to hit a baseball. But he also missed quite a few as well. Like baseball, social media requires that you find your sweet spot to hit it well & a lot. I refer in my training a lot of baseball when I talk about social media. Every one I train is [...]

By |2017-03-16T16:11:39-03:00February 13th, 2012|Social Media Training|Comments Off on Finding Your Social Media Swing

After 4 Years Of Social Media Training, Is It Time To Write A Book?

With all the information that I have acquired over the last 4 years of social media training, is it now time to write a book? Would this be a good thing? I have run the idea of writing a book for over a year now. I have blogged consistently for well over a year. There are lots [...]

By |2017-03-16T16:10:02-03:00February 9th, 2012|Social Media Training|Comments Off on After 4 Years Of Social Media Training, Is It Time To Write A Book?

What To Tweet On Twitter For Newbies

You are new to Twitter and you are not sure what to write in that white box. Here's some thoughts to help you get going. One of the things I see from those who are new to Twitter is that they are not sure what to write on Twitter. There might even be a little [...]

By |2012-02-07T20:42:37-04:00February 7th, 2012|Social Media Training|Comments Off on What To Tweet On Twitter For Newbies

2 Things You Can Do To Make Your Tweeting Better

We have all seen those tweets on "I'm so bored" & "Watching TV". Here's two tips to make your tweeting memorable & enjoyable to others. >One of the most common complaints I hear about Twitter from others is that many of the tweets are boring and useless. They don't care what you have ate or [...]

By |2012-02-06T09:24:37-04:00February 6th, 2012|Social Media Training|Comments Off on 2 Things You Can Do To Make Your Tweeting Better

How To Screw Up Your Employment And Work Prospects With Social Media

One has to remember that what one writes on the Internet is there for all to see. It's there for life. Choose wisely what you put out there. It's never pretty when you see someone drops the F-Bomb or any other profanity on social media. As a business, it can be deadly. There are lots [...]

By |2017-03-16T16:09:18-03:00February 2nd, 2012|Social Media Training|Comments Off on How To Screw Up Your Employment And Work Prospects With Social Media

What You Retweet Might Not Be True

What you see on Twitter might not be true or accurate. Before you retweet something, ask yourself this question: "Am I absolutely sure I am not spreading incorrect information?" Here are a few instances where what was shared on Twitter was incorrect: Joe Paterno's death was incorrectly reported on Twitter. He was not "Dead Yet" [...]

By |2012-01-31T22:00:16-04:00January 31st, 2012|Social Media Training|Comments Off on What You Retweet Might Not Be True

Scott Mills Needs To Be Recognized For His Social Media Service

You can thank Scott Mills @GraffitiBMXCop for his service to the people of Toronto & the online community by voting for him in the Shorty Awards in the Best Life-Saving Hero Category. I have known Scott Mills for a few years now and I have witnessed first hand his dedication to helping others and making [...]

By |2020-08-25T12:53:04-03:00January 19th, 2012|Social Media Training|Comments Off on Scott Mills Needs To Be Recognized For His Social Media Service
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