Jeff Brown

About Jeff Brown

Jeff Brown is the Founder & CEO of Alpha Social Media Inc. Jeff is a certified Workplace Education instructor with the Department of Labour & Advanced Education with over 9960 plus hours of training delivered in Nova Scotia. He is the author of "Essential Twitter Skills for Business".

Social Media Minute – Video 26 – Don’t Do Anything Stupid On Social Media

This has been a great week for businesses being stupid with their social media. From Loblaws to American Apparel, the gaffs keep on coming. When will people learn to share and post responsibly? Here's what I am talking about: The private label of Loblaw (TSX:L), posted Tuesday: "What's scarier? Hurricane #Sandy or a beverage with marshmallow eyeballs?" - Winnipeg [...]

By |2017-03-16T17:16:12-03:00November 1st, 2012|Social Media Training|Comments Off on Social Media Minute – Video 26 – Don’t Do Anything Stupid On Social Media

Social Media Minute – Video 25 – Use Your Time Wisely To Create Visibility

You can do social media throughout the day. Many say they are too busy. Let me follow you around and I can find you some time. Available moments could include: Waiting in the doctor's office Waiting for the person ahead to go through with their groceries Waiting for your next appointment to be available Any [...]

By |2017-03-16T17:16:53-03:00October 31st, 2012|Social Media Training|Comments Off on Social Media Minute – Video 25 – Use Your Time Wisely To Create Visibility

Social Media Minute – Video 24 – Thank Those Who Retweet Your Tweets

It is customary to thank those people who retweet your tweets on Twitter. Twitter can even email you to leave you know who retweeted you. Thanking someone for doing this builds Twitter community connections. Here is an example of what I have tweeted to thank my retweeters: Depending on how many people you have to thank, [...]

By |2017-03-16T17:17:38-03:00October 30th, 2012|Twitter Marketing|Comments Off on Social Media Minute – Video 24 – Thank Those Who Retweet Your Tweets

Social Media Minute – Video 23 – Don’t Spam (#) Hashtags With Your Business

McDonald's did it in New Zealand. A franchise knowingly spammed the #EQNZ hashtag. This #EQNZ hashtag was reserved for emergency use; at least that's what most thought. So don't get any ideas about spamming the coming hurricane hashtag with your business opportunities or promotions. Here's the tweet that a McDonald's franchise sent out after the first New Zealand equakequake: Shakey town [...]

By |2017-03-16T17:18:20-03:00October 29th, 2012|Social Media Training|2 Comments

Listening To Your Customers Can Produce Opportunities

There are businesses out there that "Push" stuff at people and there are businesses that realize that customers have changed. Customers now "Pull" stuff that they are interested in. Those businesses that develop the art of listening and conversing are those who are set to benefit from the change. I will continue tomorrow with another "Social Media Minute". For [...]

By |2017-03-16T17:19:05-03:00October 29th, 2012|Social Media Training|Comments Off on Listening To Your Customers Can Produce Opportunities

Social Media Minute – Video 22 – Be Aware Of Your Surroundings

When you shoot video, always take advantage of a good location and or include products in so that you can promote yourself and others.  You never know what can happen. Product placement to promote a business. A video location shot in your video. These can be used to promote other businesses in your video. Make [...]

By |2017-03-16T17:20:07-03:00October 26th, 2012|Social Media Training|Comments Off on Social Media Minute – Video 22 – Be Aware Of Your Surroundings

Social Media Minute – Video 21 – Photos And Video Work Well On Social Media

Videos and pictures get shared well on social media. They have a huge ability to go viral very easily. Make sure you have a good mix of video and pictures in your social media accounts. Points to consider: Accounts that share videos and photos can have higher levels of engagement with those around them. People [...]

By |2012-10-25T08:03:15-03:00October 25th, 2012|Social Media Training|Comments Off on Social Media Minute – Video 21 – Photos And Video Work Well On Social Media

Social Media Minute – Video 20 – Short Videos Are Key To Reaching people

People feel rushed and won't hang around to watch a long video unless it's vital to their interests or business. Videos can reach a lot of people quickly. A short video can be watched quickly without a huge commitment of time. My latest videos are: One theme or message around social media for business Approximately 1 minute [...]

By |2017-03-16T17:20:50-03:00October 24th, 2012|Social Media Training|Comments Off on Social Media Minute – Video 20 – Short Videos Are Key To Reaching people

Social Media Minute – Video 19 – Should You Use Social Media?

You should ask this question before you embark on using social media. You need to determine if your business will benefit from using social media. When you think about who is using social media, you might be surprised. Social media can fit many businesses. But before you rush into in, think about how it might work for [...]

By |2017-03-16T17:21:33-03:00October 23rd, 2012|Social Media Training|Comments Off on Social Media Minute – Video 19 – Should You Use Social Media?

Social Media Minute – Video 18 – 3 Parts Of A Social Media Recommend?

Everyone wants to be recommended on social media, but how do you give a great recommend that others will notice and find interesting? Here are the 3 essential components of a great social media recommend. Here are the 3 components of a good social media recommend: The username - what ever social media you want to recommend they on, [...]

By |2018-11-27T15:04:07-04:00October 22nd, 2012|Social Media Training|Comments Off on Social Media Minute – Video 18 – 3 Parts Of A Social Media Recommend?
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