I have been noticing more and more how powerful connections are on social media. You might think I already knew this, but I am seeing the importance of this grow daily. This effects how you build your social media presence as well.

If you treat people like numbers, you will them them only as numbers. You will strive to increase your numbers for the sake of having more numbers of followers. But along the way, you will miss great opportunities to connect with great people.

Connecting and building relationships takes time and effort. There is no substitute. What I have learned by building slower and focusing on people is this: quality connections produce quality results. When people become raving fans and they start promoting you to others, that is the reward in building right. When they refer you to others for work, that is even sweeter.

So don’t race along and miss the great chances to connect with others. Remember that robots have no heart and soul. Make your connection with others a good one. Not everyone will return in kind. But how many raving fans does it take to make you crazy busy anyways?