Good Monday morning to you. I hope you had a great weekend. I trust you had fun.

One of the things that people have said about me is that I appear to be having a lot of fun with social media. I would say yes to that. I am having a blast with social media.

I look at all the awesome people I have meet, all the conversations I have had and all the businesses that I have helped; and all I can do is smile. One of the key benchmarks in my life is to “Matter” while I am here on Earth. I want to leave this Earth having nothing left to give. I want to be spent helping others.

I know that social media requires a business component to it. And that’s another thing; I love business too. What a great place to be in life. My philosophy in life has always been to help others; whether in their personal lives or in their businesses.

So are you enjoying social media as well? You are posting links like crazy, connecting with others and expanding your network. But are you having fun?

In all your hustle and rush, make sure you enjoy those moments. Every person you meet, connect and make the most of it. Not everyone will reciprocate with you. But have a go at it anyways. Dare to be the one who is the life of the social Internet. You can still do great business; but have fun all along the way.

Life is way too short. Make the most of all your social media connections. Have fun 🙂

And by the way, should I let my teenage daughter get a puppy?