Please type NONE if you do not have a website
Type in your Twitter username here with @ sign. I want to see what you are tweeting. Type Not Using if you do not have a twitter account.
Please type the name of your Facebook Page so I can check it before program begins. I want to see how you are posting to the Page.
Most people never ask themselves this question. Please let me know why you are using social media. What propels you forward on social media?
Please add some comments to help me better construct the right course for you and the other particvipantys. I am looking for your MUST HAVES for this program.
Please share some of the best moments that you have had using social media.
Please let me know what anti-virus program you are using. Your security is critical in today's Internet marketing world.
Are you a visual learner, an audible learner, a hands on learner or a cognitive/why learner?
I would like to know what you typically post on your social media. Do you get a lot of interaction around what you post?