All opportunity does not comes to you on social media as a work request. Sometimes it comes hidden as a request for you to give. Don’t let opportunity pass by without some form of careful consideration.

A friend of mine, Steve Peifer, runs a series of computer labs in Kenya for kids. Steve works hard to help feed kids and give them essential computer skills. He works his butt off to make sure the kids get a least one meal per day and a good education. A few years ago, Steve was awarded a CNN Hero of the Year award for all his work. Steve is the real deal folks.

Steve Peifer Computer Lab Kenya

Just a little while ago, thieves broke into one of the computer labs and stole all the laptops. They smashed through the locked door and broke into the safe that the laptops where stored in.

When I shared this story with some of my Facebook friends, they responded and gave generously. Their response renewed my belief that together we can matter, and make a difference. Right now, as a result, computers are on the way to finding their spot in Steve Peifer’s computer lab. I can see the kids smiling right now 🙂 Now that’s something that money can’t buy.

My friend, Chuck Blakeman, says this all the time…”Live well by doing good”. The Steve Peifer opportunity came with the chance to make kids in the country of Kenya smile. I can’t think of any greater reward than knowing that those thieves did not ruin the kids day.

My Grandfather used to say to me…”You’ll get your reward in Heaven”. I don’t think my Facebook friends will have to wait that long. Opportunity is like a freight train that comes your way and runs you over with goodness. I look forward to seeing all the great things coming their way.

Now I know my friends did not give expecting to be praised or rewarded. They are great people. But when they sowed seed into the ground of Kenya, there is always a harvest that comes. When you open your hand to give, your hand remains open to receive.

So what is our walk-a-way for today? Social media can make your efforts go viral. You story can spread quickly and to a lot of people. I shared the story with my friends and they acted. And now, the story continues to have a life of its own.

I hope and trust that more help is heading towards Steve Peifer and the kids of Kenya. This truly is a worthy cause. The kids we are helping could become the leaders of tomorrow in Kenya.

So don’t wait for opportunity to come knocking. When it comes, take advantage of it. When that call comes for work, jump on board. But don’t ignore the opportunity to give either. It can open doors for you.

If you want to help Steve Peifer, here’s the link to help. Thanks to all of you for your kindness.