The new Facebook Facial Recognition feature can be deadly for police services and other agencies where security is important. This needs to be turned off by disabling the feature.

This video shows you how to turn off the Facebook Facial Recognition feature. I am still waiting for it to be live in my Privacy settings. If it’s live now for you, go and turn it off right away. If it is not live yet, monitor the Privacy settings area for when it does come alive.


This feature is turned on by default. It must be turned off. Here are the steps to turn it off:

  1. Click on Account in upper right part of Facebook screen
  2. Choose Privacy settings
  3. Click on Custom Settings (words in blue) in lower middle part of settings area
  4. Scroll down to “Things others share” and look to right.
  5. Click on right side area to “Disable” setting. If words are grey, then feature not enabled yet.

Be safe and disable this new feature.