Twitter lists allow you to quiet all the noise happening on Twitter. When and why you should use them is important to know if you want to get more out of Twitter for your business.

Twitter lists allow you to focus on just a few people and their tweets. A Twitter List acts just like a filter. You could create a list for your best friends, your clients or specific people who you want to focus on. When you use a Twitter List, you exclude everyone out that is not on that List. This is the “Why” of using a List.

Once you have created a Twitter List, the best time to put someone on that list is when you first see them. This could be when they first start following you or when you see them in the Twitter news feed. The hard way to do it is after you have a lot of followers. At that point, you will have to go through all your followers to add people to your lists.

It’s a good idea to start early with Twitter Lists. But if you are a late bloomer, there’s no time like the present. Either way, put those people who you want to focus on into a List.

You can view that List on or use can use a third-party app like Hootsuite to view that List as well. So don’t miss out on important tweets. Create some Lists now and see what you might already have been missing.

Need more info on Twitter Lists? How to get Listed on Twitter

Where to find Twitter Lists? If you click on the cog symbol in the upper right of the Twitter screen, you will see “Lists” in the drop down menu. Click on it to get started.

Twitter List found at Cog

Then you will click on “Create List” button to advance to the next part.

Create Twitter List Button

Once you click on the button, you will then need to name List and set list as private or public. If it is a list of your clients, let me suggest that you make the list private.

Create New Twitter ListAll you need to do once you saved your changes is start adding people you each list you have created. Not sure how to do this? Here’s how:

Add to Twitter List

  1. Click on the profile name to open up the Twitter Profile Box
  2. Click on the Head and Shoulders icon
  3. Click on “Add or remove from lists…”
  4. Click the check box for the list that you want to but that person on.
  5. Close and list and you are good to go.

You can move a list that you created into Hootsuite for easier viewing by the way.

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